Wednesday 21 October 2015

The Beginning!! My First post

Hi everyone!! I am very happy that I finally started my blog.

This blog will have nothing complicating, its simple day to day life and situation which I come across and a little piece of my experience and advice which I get, got and be getting in my journey of life that everyone can connect to.

In love with myself (sounds self centered?) what’s wrong? :P, it’s always good and necessary to compliment ,Cuddle, Love and care yourself once in a blue moon at least, trust me its motivating!!
Just came across a saying today morning felt like sharing it with you guys “your end is somebody else’s Beginning”, this made me think.

I always feel that I am in the worst condition but I forget that there are others who struggle all their life to get to the position where I am in now. Never compare wherever you are in life with whatever you’re doing – you’re going to be ahead of some and behind others.
 That’s okay. Take a chill pill, Sit back and relax. Celebrate the present and Move on.

What do you have to say about this, leave me a comment below.

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